My Spouse Wants a Divorce, Now What?


Life is unpredictable. Sometimes things do not go the way we plan. Marriage is extremely hard. If you or your partner decides that they want a divorce, you need a plan to ensure your rights are protected. Here are some steps you should take if you or your spouse files for divorce:

Stay Calm

  • Your emotions are likely heightened, and you may be feeling worried or stressed. While this is entirely understandable, try to remain calm so that you can think clearly and take the best course of action. Do not react if your ex attempts to say rude and inappropriate comments, as it may negatively affect you later in the case.

Create a Plan of How to Tell Your Children

  • If you have children, do your best to not discuss the situation with them until you have time to digest the situation. When you do speak to your children, reassure them they are loved by both parents, and tell them that everything will be ok.

Educate Yourself

  • When considering filing for divorce, do your best to learn about how the divorce process works and what it entails. At the beginning, anxiety is high as everyone fears the unknown. As you go through the divorce process, you will feel less anxious and more secure if you are aware of how the process works.

Seek Legal Counsel

  • Get in touch with a divorce attorney as soon as you are able to. They will be able to advise you on how to best move forward with your situation. Some law firms, like Morales Law, P.C., offer complimentary consultations to discuss your case specific issues and advise you on what to expect during your divorce. It is best to use these consultations to your advantage to figure out which lawyer is the best fit for your case.

Gather Financial Records

  • Collect all bank statements, tax returns, credit card statements, paystubs, W-2s and any other financial records for you and your ex. Start writing out what assets and debts you know about. Start writing out a budget of your expenses to discuss with your lawyer as to how they will be paid.

If you choose to hire an attorney, be sure to choose one that has your best interests in mind and will fight for you no matter the circumstances. Morales Law, P.C. offers complimentary consultations so that we help you figure out the best course of action for your unique situation. Morales Law, P.C. has a reputation of fighting hard for all our clients and obtaining extraordinary results. Contact us at 805-845-5405 or at

Be advised that this list is not exhaustive. Factual circumstances will vary and require specific procedures. This is for informational purposes only and should not be relied prior to, or in place of, consulting with legal counsel.
